Find inspiration

in your inbox every Sunday with the

 Creativity Care Package

For creators who would love a little more inspiration in their daily lives

    Every Sunday, I’d like to invite you to spend a few minutes in playful creativity.

    The Creativity Care Package is packed with one small idea, prompt or piece of inspiration for each day of the week, helping creativity become a daily self-care practice.


     Unboxing the Creativity Care Package

    What you can expect:
    7 days worth of inspiration to get you through the week

    • 1 Encouraging Creative Thought to motivate you to keep creating

      A visual reminder to inspire you in the moment, boost your confidence and motivate you to keep going.

    • 1 podcast episode to keep those creative juices flowing

      Give your mind ideas to play with from some of the most creative minds out there. Perfect for folding laundry, doing the dishes, or stretching your mind during lunchtime.

    • 1 piece of art to take you somewhere new

      Let other people’s art take you somewhere you’ve never thought of going. I choose each art piece to stretch your perspective, trigger a thought, provoke an emotion you can use as a springboard for your own creative work.

    • 1 Poem to help you dive inward

      A poem that’s been handpicked to help you explore a particular feeling or emotion with an accompanying prompt to help you explore your own creative leanings.

    • 1 writing or sketching prompt to engage your curiosity

      Take five minutes to let your mind wander on the theme and see what happens. Sketch, doodle, write one sentence that feels good — great for artists, writers, business owners, and creators of all types to stay in your creative energy.

    • 1 song to set the mood

      Wordless music to help you make space to dream, to set the mood for your work, be the soundtrack to your thoughts, and prompt you to think about your projects in a new way.

    • 1 article to explore a new idea

      My bookshelves are filled with books on creativity, and each week I’ll share a favorite passage with you and tell you my thoughts. These are ideas you can play with, think about in the shower, and take with you on your creative journey.

    Get your Creativity Care Package every Sunday


      I know your inbox is filled with emails trying to get you to do something, click something, buy something — to turn outward for the answers.

      There’s not a lot in your inbox that’s designed to help you turn inwards. But what if we challenged that trend and encouraged creativity rather than consumption?

      The Creativity Care Package is 100% about giving you tools, prompts and inspiration to tune into your own creativity daily so you can do the work only you can do.

      I believe that by practicing creativity daily, in small ways, we feed our souls a more nourishing substance than buying the latest product.

      It’s a deeper form of self-care that strengthens your ability to tune into your individuality, your desires, your vision for who you want to become and what kind of life you would like to create.

      But that can only happen when we create space away from the people, places, and things vying for our attention so we can connect with ourselves.

      Every Sunday, I’d like to invite you to spend a few minutes in playful creativity. The Creativity Care Package is packed with one small idea, prompt or piece of inspiration for each day of the week, helping creativity become a daily self-care practice.


      Hey! I’m Telyse…

      And I believe that everyone has their own form of unconventional creative brilliance… it’s not a matter of whether or not we’re creative. We all are. It’s really a matter of whether or not we allow our creativity space to roam and grow.

      I’m a writer, poet, and creativity coach and I believe that creativity is one of the best forms of self care. Yet, I also know (all too well) how hard it can be to make time for our creativity in the midst of everything else we have going on each day.

      My hope is that this newsletter inspires you to make space (even if it’s a tiny space!) for your creativity each and every day.

      May we be inspired together!


      Get your Creativity Care Package every Sunday


      “Love reading the newsletter while enjoying my morning coffee.” - Abi


         Your brilliance is unconventional — own it!