Welcome! I'm Telyse.

  • Mother of 3

  • Wife to one

  • Highly sensitive person

  • INFP

  • Kaizen-Muse Certified Creativity Coach

  • Poet

  • Writer

  • Integrative Health & Wellness Coach

 And I know what it’s like to get caught up in life and put my creativity on the backburner.

Perfectionism stopped me from being able to bring my full self into my life for so long, causing me to stall when I wanted to move forward.


I’d get so excited about an idea; I’d make lists, buy books, do research, buy a course, listen to podcasts… until I’d compiled so much information from so many different places that I overwhelmed myself!

Then I would procrastinate because the project — which started as a beautiful little seedling of an idea — had grown to Jack and the Beanstalk proportions. I wouldn’t know where to start! And the end result loomed so large in my mind that I doubted I’d be able to create something that lived up to that vision. And, I felt like ‘if it’s not great, why bother doing it at all?

It was a cycle I’d revisit time and again.

So I tried buying planners to get organized and get going (did not work). I’d get overwhelmed with the to do lists and feel guilty about not doing them.

I tried working with coaches who would give me accountability, but still put too much pressure on me to PRODUCE because they didn’t understand my energy limits (as an introvert and as a highly sensitive person). I kept trying, crashing and failing.

I tried online courses that promised to help me “JUST DO IT.” They still didn’t strike the balance I needed between accountability, structure, and a compassionate, no-pressure approach. I found it hard to stick with DIY worksheets and pre-recorded videos, and I’d abandon the course and find myself right back where I started.

All over the place, and nowhere at the same time.


 I finally found my happy place with my creativity when I learned about The Kaizen Approach.

Kaizen means making continuous improvement through small steps, and this is what helped me finally get moving on my projects by taking the pressure OFF. I didn’t need to try to accomplish an overwhelmingly large or lengthy task. Instead, I focused on breaking the project down into steps so small I couldn’t help but do them.

I paired this with training from Jill Badonsky and her Kaizen Muse creativity training to help me work through creative blocks, namely:




Impostor Syndrome


Fear of failure

Fear of not being good enough

Fear of success


People Pleasing


Self Sabotage

Perfectionism 〜 Overwhelm 〜 Procrastination 〜 Impostor Syndrome 〜 Burnout 〜 Fear of failure 〜 Fear of not being good enough 〜 Fear of success 〜 Comparison 〜 People Pleasing 〜 Exhaustion 〜 Self Sabotage 〜

And I finally found my way — to living the creative life I love.


 When I honor my creative drive, my energetic capacity, and my introverted HSP personality, I can feel the difference in my heart, mind, and body. When I make time to write, I am a better mother, wife and person. I’m kinder to strangers, I have more patience in the grocery store parking lot, and I am able to appreciate the random beauty the world puts on show (that we’re usually too busy to notice).

This is why I am so passionate about this work of helping you bring creativity into your everyday life.

I believe it makes us better — to ourselves, to each other, and to the world.

I believe…

  • Everyone is creative.

    Even if you don’t think of yourself as creative. You have the capacity to do, to make, and to enjoy the process.

  • For certain personality types, like Introverts and Highly Sensitive People, the creative process needs to be slower, with less pressure, and smaller steps.

    We do our best work with low pressure and small steps. And you can make so much progress by taking things one small step at a time! I’m here to help you make time for those small steps that lead to big things.

  • It’s not about how much you produce, how hard you work, or how much you hustle.

    It’s about being able to bring your creative ideas to life in ways that make you feel good. And if you use it for your business - that’s great! If it’s a hobby you’re passionate about - that’s great! If it’s a daily practice that keeps you sane, healthy and happy - that’s great!

  • It’s possible to bring your creative dreams to life in a way that fits YOU. (Even if that way is different from how other people do it)

    If you are a nonlinear thinker, deep feeler, multi-passionate, or limited-energy person — and you’re frustrated with yourself because you keep procrastinating, if your aspirations are so big it feels hard to get started — I get you.

    And I’m here to tell you that all of these things can be true, AND you can finish your creative projects while having fun in the process. If you can dream it, you can bring it to life. No matter how big your idea is, it’s possible to accomplish it in a way that honors your unique make-up and circumstances.

  • Every time we create, we start a ripple effect.

    What you make today may uplift someone tomorrow. Plus, creativity makes us calmer and kinder (to ourselves and others). We need it like sunshine, water and air.

  • Everyone has their own unique form of brilliance

    Being Brilliant is not reserved for an elite few. Everyone has God-given talents, strengths and abilities that are just waiting to be brought out! You may not consider yourself a genius (and that’s fine because most of us don’t) but you do possess your own form of creative brilliance… and that brilliance can bring so much joy to your own life as well the lives of those whom it touches. It’s already in there, you just gotta free it and let it fly.


 Ready to find the time, the inner resources, and the creative artistic voice that is uniquely yours — and get going (without the pressure)?

Take some time for yourself

Free your creativity

Allow yourself to explore your own Unconventional Brilliance